Top-Notch Quality Delivered!

At Teknix Group, quality assurance is the cornerstone of every operation.

Our commitment to quality is evident through our use of cutting-edge European machines for testing, allowing us to rigorously assess the durability, strength, and critical parameters of our components. By leveraging the latest technology, we guarantee the reliability and performance of our offerings.
Adhering to the prestigious International Automotive Task Force (IATF) requirements further cements our dedication to maintaining the highest quality and safety standards, ensuring compliance with stringent industry regulations.
Rest assured, we possess the capabilities to provide dependable solutions that precisely align with our clients' needs.


Access to
World-class Machinery

Our Japanese precision toolroom employs the latest tools to manufacture components with unparalleled accuracy & precision, consistently delivering quality.


We House
State of the art R&D Facility

Furnished with European equipment, it empowers us to continually innovate and test new products and processes, securing our position at the forefront of the industry.


Streamlined Production Processes

SAP, a leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, governs and controls our operations, ensuring optimal efficiency, and maximum quality and consistency.

We remain at the forefront of innovation in the industry.

Our expertise in rubber formulation designing and developing enables us to create custom-made solutions that meet our clients' unique requirements. We understand the importance of delivering components that are fit for purpose, and our team of experts works closely with clients to ensure that their needs are met.

    European Testing Machines

    Japanese Precision Toolroom

    In-house R&D Facility

    SAP Implemented

Certifications & Awards

Validation of our commitment
to quality & innovation

IATF Certification

IATF, or International Automotive Task Force, is a global organization formed by leading automotive manufacturers to establish a single quality management system standard for the industry. Collaborating with stakeholders, they ensure product safety and quality. Their IATF 16949 standard replaces ISO/TS 16949, providing a standardized framework for quality management in the automotive sector. Adherence to this standard is crucial for automotive suppliers to do business with major manufacturers, promoting continuous improvement and product safety.

ZED Gold Award

ZED Gold, a prestigious program by the Indian government, drives quality and excellence in manufacturing and services. Organizations are encouraged to embrace world-class practices in product quality, delivery, innovation, HR management, sustainability, and finance. Rigorous evaluations by industry experts lead to certification, demonstrating unwavering dedication to continuous improvement and global competitiveness.